Ethernet & NLINE: Real-Time 1553 & ARINC Converter/Bridges
Alta’s Ethernet (ENET & NLINE) Avionics converters are the first and most unique Ethernet appliances in the industry. A real-time UDP server engine (no IP software stack like most other products on the market) provides direct data buffer and transmission control of MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC-429 interfaces.
Now NLINE products are available with USB and Thunderbolt! Click on filters to the right to see all products.
In addition, the ENET/NLINE products can provide automatic 1553 BM or ARINC Receive bridging without any host interaction. Small, rugged, real-time devices that are ideal for test, simulation or rugged embedded applications. The same advanced AltaAPI SDK can be used, or your OS IP socket layer (even DO178 stacks) – the ultimate in portability.
The NLINE Product Family is the first full-featured 1553 and ARINC products embedded directly into rugged cable assemblies.
Real-Time 1553 Ethernet Converters. ENET and NLINE products from Alta. Small, Rugged cans, or in-line (NLINE) cable converters. Full-Featured, Multi-Channel. 1000s Deployed. Built-in Signal Scope!
(click on image to enlarge)
White Paper for Alta Real-Time Ethernet Devices
Quick Reviews Below
Click HERE for 1553 & ARINC Tutorials
Click HERE for 1553 Cybersecurity Design and Test Review